Information for students

What is an Innovation Team?
The Innovation Accelerator is a 10-week, team-based interdisciplinary design challenge. Every week, you will connect with your Portfolio Lead to support you through the process. As a team, you will also engage with a collection of training modules designed to help your team tap into creativity and innovation and develop your agility and strategic foresight. Supported by the Project Manager and Portfolio Leads, Innovation Teams are guided through the ideation process including problem definition, ideation, prototyping, testing and refinement, culminating in an adjudicated pitch session with our community collaborators.
By the end of this project, you should be prepared to navigate change and ambiguity in an ever-changing employment landscape. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team responsible for developing proposals to resolve strategic challenges brought to the team by our Community Collaborators. You will join other students from business, technology, arts, and health degrees to research and generate ideas for our community collaborators. In this role you will bring your disciplinary skills to the table and contribute your unique background in a collaborative consultancy role.
Meeting your internship requirements
The Innovation Accelerator provides a solution for students who need or prefer an alternative to a traditional internship during the pandemic. It allows you to earn your work-term credit remotely, offers flexibility and customizability, features collaborative opportunities and — most importantly — provides you with a meaningful and valuable experience for your resume.
How the Innovation Accelerator will help your career search
Sheridan’s Innovation Accelerator integrates 21st-century skills and cultivates your entrepreneurial mindset to prepare you for the future of work. You will receive intensive and ongoing training in the design thinking and human-centred design process to support your team’s success. Upon the successful completion of this internship, you will receive a letter of reference detailing your individual contributions to your specific design challenge. In addition to your reference letter, you will receive a certificate of completion for finishing all of the innovation and human centred design training modules.
“I think this VIP could definitely be something utilized in the future to come up with innovative ideas, not only for Sheridan College but also for community partners. We’ve been provided with a really interesting perspective.”
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resources Management) student Amanda Oreskovic
2022 Collaborators
2021 Collaborators
If you have any questions about Sheridan's Innovation Accelerator, please email
We look forward to connecting.